Lesson 25: Sequenced Collections (List.of(), Set.of(), Map.of()) – Java 21+

Java 21 introduced Sequenced Collections, a new interface that provides consistent order guarantees for List, Set, and Map. This feature allows more predictable ordering of elements and simplifies common operations like reversing and accessing first/last elements.

1. What Are Sequenced Collections?

A new interface (SequencedCollection<E>) that extends Collection<E>.
Ensures a well-defined ordering in List, Set, and Map.
Adds new methods: getFirst(), getLast(), reversed() for easy access.

2. Before Java 21: No Consistent Order in Sets & Maps

🔴 Before Java 21, Set and Map had unpredictable iteration order (except Linked variants).

📌 Example: Before Java 21 (Order Not Guaranteed in Set)

import java.util.Set;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Set<String> set = Set.of("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry");

        System.out.println(set); // ❌ Order may change across runs!

🚨 Output may vary:

[Cherry, Apple, Banana]  // First run
[Banana, Cherry, Apple]  // Second run

No reliable way to access the first or last element.

3. Java 21+ Solution: Using SequencedCollection for Ordered Access

🟢 Now, Set and Map have predictable order and direct element access!

📌 Example: Accessing First & Last Elements with getFirst() & getLast()

import java.util.SequencedCollection;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SequencedCollection<String> fruits = List.of("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry");

        System.out.println("First: " + fruits.getFirst()); // ✅ "Apple"
        System.out.println("Last: " + fruits.getLast());   // ✅ "Cherry"


First: Apple
Last: Cherry

No need for list.get(0) or list.get(list.size()-1) anymore!

4. reversed() – Easily Reverse Lists, Sets, and Maps

📌 Example: Reversing a List with reversed()

import java.util.SequencedCollection;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SequencedCollection<String> fruits = List.of("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry");

        System.out.println("Reversed: " + fruits.reversed()); // ✅ ["Cherry", "Banana", "Apple"]


Reversed: [Cherry, Banana, Apple]

No need for Collections.reverse() anymore!

📌 Example: Reversing a Map Using reversed()

import java.util.SequencedMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SequencedMap<Integer, String> users = Map.of(1, "Alice", 2, "Bob", 3, "Charlie");

        System.out.println("Original: " + users);
        System.out.println("Reversed: " + users.reversed()); // ✅ Reverse order!


Original: {1=Alice, 2=Bob, 3=Charlie}
Reversed: {3=Charlie, 2=Bob, 1=Alice}

No need for manual sorting—reversing is built-in!

5. When Should You Use Sequenced Collections?

🚀 Use SequencedCollection when:
✔ You need consistent order in Set or Map.
✔ You frequently access the first and last elements.
✔ You want built-in reversal instead of using Collections.reverse().

🚨 Do NOT use if:
❌ You are using Java 20 or earlier (Not available).
❌ You don’t need ordered element access.

6. Comparison: Before Java 21 vs. Java 21+ (SequencedCollection)

FeatureBefore Java 21Java 21+ (SequencedCollection)
Set/Map Order Guarantee❌ No guarantee (except Linked* variants)✅ Guaranteed order
Get First/Last Element❌ No direct methodgetFirst(), getLast()
Reverse Order❌ Manual sorting neededreversed() built-in

Lesson Reflection

  1. How does SequencedCollection improve working with Set and Map?
  2. Why is getFirst() and getLast() useful compared to list.get(0)?
  3. Can you think of a real-world scenario where reversing a Map with reversed() would be helpful?

Example: Using SequencedCollection with HashSet and HashMap (Java 21+)

Since HashSet and HashMap do not guarantee order, they do not implement SequencedCollection or SequencedMap. Instead, Java 21+ provides LinkedHashSet and LinkedHashMap as SequencedCollection and SequencedMap implementations, ensuring predictable iteration order.

📌 Example 1: Using SequencedCollection with LinkedHashSet

📌 Java 21 allows getFirst(), getLast(), and reversed() on LinkedHashSet

import java.util.SequencedCollection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SequencedCollection<String> fruits = new LinkedHashSet<>();

        System.out.println("Original: " + fruits);
        System.out.println("First: " + fruits.getFirst()); // ✅ "Apple"
        System.out.println("Last: " + fruits.getLast());   // ✅ "Cherry"
        System.out.println("Reversed: " + fruits.reversed()); // ✅ ["Cherry", "Banana", "Apple"]


Original: [Apple, Banana, Cherry]
First: Apple
Last: Cherry
Reversed: [Cherry, Banana, Apple]

Unlike HashSet, LinkedHashSet maintains insertion order and supports SequencedCollection methods.

📌 Example 2: Using SequencedMap with LinkedHashMap

📌 Java 21+ allows getFirstEntry(), getLastEntry(), and reversed() on LinkedHashMap

import java.util.SequencedMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SequencedMap<Integer, String> users = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        users.put(1, "Alice");
        users.put(2, "Bob");
        users.put(3, "Charlie");

        System.out.println("Original: " + users);
        System.out.println("First Entry: " + users.getFirstEntry()); // ✅ {1=Alice}
        System.out.println("Last Entry: " + users.getLastEntry());   // ✅ {3=Charlie}
        System.out.println("Reversed: " + users.reversed()); // ✅ Reverse order


Original: {1=Alice, 2=Bob, 3=Charlie}
First Entry: 1=Alice
Last Entry: 3=Charlie
Reversed: {3=Charlie, 2=Bob, 1=Alice}

Unlike HashMap, LinkedHashMap maintains insertion order and supports SequencedMap methods.

🚨 Why Can’t We Use HashSet or HashMap with SequencedCollection?

🚨 HashSet and HashMap do NOT maintain order, so they do not implement SequencedCollection or SequencedMap.
🚀 Use LinkedHashSet or LinkedHashMap instead for predictable order!

🔍 Key Takeaways

LinkedHashSet implements SequencedCollection, allowing getFirst(), getLast(), and reversed().
LinkedHashMap implements SequencedMap, allowing getFirstEntry(), getLastEntry(), and reversed().
HashSet and HashMap do NOT support these operations because they do not maintain order.

The next Java 21+ feature: Structured Concurrency (StructuredTaskScope) for parallel programming 😊🚀

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