Atlassian mock interview System Design Prompt 3

🧩 System Design Prompt #3: Design a Collaborative Document Editing Platform (like Confluence)

🎯 Prompt:

Design a simplified version of Confluence where multiple users can:

  • Create and edit documents (rich text)
  • Collaborate in real time (see each other’s edits)
  • Comment on sections of the document
  • Version history and rollback
  • Access control (read-only, edit, admin)

The system should support teams with thousands of users and large documents.

✅ What You’re Being Tested On:

  • Real-time collaboration and concurrency
  • Rich document storage and versioning
  • Access control and permission systems
  • Scalability under team-based usage
  • Syncing updates across clients

🧠 What You Should Cover:

1. Clarify the Requirements

Ask things like:

  • Do we need Google Docs–level real-time editing?
  • How big can documents be?
  • Should edits be autosaved? If so, how frequently?
  • What types of roles or permissions are needed?

2. Core Features

  • Create/edit documents (markdown or rich-text)
  • Real-time updates via WebSocket or polling
  • Comments on text blocks
  • Version control (auto-save history)
  • Permissions: owner, editor, commenter, viewer

3. System Components

📎 Frontend Client

  • Rich text editor with WebSocket client
  • Autosave logic and sync with server

⚙️ Backend Services

  • Document Service: create, update, store documents
  • Collaboration Service: manages live editing sessions (WebSockets)
  • Comment Service: attach comments to paragraphs or ranges
  • Versioning Service: saves historical snapshots
  • Permission Service: handles access roles

4. Data Model


document_id UUID PRIMARY KEY
title TEXT
owner_id UUID
content JSONB (structured blocks)
created_at, updated_at


version_id UUID
document_id UUID
content JSONB


comment_id UUID
document_id UUID
text TEXT
range_start, range_end (or block reference)
created_by, created_at


document_id UUID
user_id UUID
role ENUM('owner', 'editor', 'commenter', 'viewer')

5. Real-Time Collaboration (CRDT / OT)

To handle multiple users editing the same doc at once:

  • Use CRDT (Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types) or Operational Transformation (OT).
  • CRDTs are more modern and peer-friendly.
  • Use WebSockets to:
    • Broadcast operations (insert/delete/change) to other collaborators
    • Maintain in-memory “editing sessions” per document
  • Sync changes every few seconds to a durable store.

6. Versioning and Rollbacks

  • Save a version every X minutes or on significant changes.
  • Store diffs or snapshots (tradeoff: space vs speed).
  • Allow users to view and restore previous versions.

7. Access Control

  • Enforced at the API and database level.
  • Use middleware or permission service to check role on each request.
  • Owners can share or revoke access.

8. Scalability Considerations

  • Session Store: Use Redis or in-memory cache for tracking who’s collaborating on what
  • WebSocket Scaling: Use a pub/sub layer (e.g., Redis Streams or Kafka) for syncing across nodes
  • CDN for static assets
  • Document partitioning/sharding if the data set becomes large
  • Limit document edit concurrency if needed

9. Advanced Features (Nice to Have)

  • Inline commenting (like Google Docs)
  • Offline editing + sync
  • Email/webhook notifications for doc activity
  • Document templates
  • Analytics: page views, top editors
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