Atlassian mock interview System Design Prompt 2

🧩 System Design Prompt #2: Design a Notification System

🎯 Prompt:

Design a notification system that alerts users when:

  • They’re assigned a ticket
  • A comment is added to a ticket they follow
  • A ticket they’re watching changes status

The system should support:

  • Multiple channels (in-app, email, Slack, etc.)
  • High throughput (millions of notifications/day)
  • Delivery guarantees (e.g., at-least-once)
  • Retry on failure
  • Preferences (e.g., opt out of email)

✅ Your goal:

Build an architecture that’s:

  • Scalable: Should handle massive volume (Jira-scale)
  • Reliable: No missed notifications
  • Flexible: Easy to add new channels later
  • Respectful of user preferences

🧠 Key Areas to Cover:

1. Clarify Requirements


  • Should notifications be real-time or batched?
  • Do users receive a daily digest, or immediate updates?
  • Is “read/unread” status needed for in-app?

2. Core Components

Split into 3 decoupled systems:

🔄 Trigger Service

  • Listens to events (e.g., ticket assigned, status changed)
  • Generates notification “intents” and pushes them to a queue
  • Validates against user preferences (DB or cache)

📬 Notification Dispatcher

  • Consumes from the queue
  • Formats message
  • Sends to one or more channels via adapters (email, push, Slack)

🔔 Channel Services

  • Email: SendGrid, SES
  • In-app: Store in DB, deliver via WebSocket
  • Slack/Webhook: Use retries and fallbacks

3. Data Model

notifications (
  notification_id UUID,
  user_id UUID,
  type ENUM(...),
  payload JSONB,
  channel ENUM('email', 'in_app', 'slack'),
  status ENUM('pending', 'sent', 'failed'),
  created_at, sent_at

user_preferences (
  user_id UUID,
  channel ENUM,
  enabled BOOLEAN

4. Scalability

  • Use Kafka for high-throughput event queues
  • Partition by user_id to balance loads
  • Bulk email sending via 3rd-party provider
  • Rate limit channels like Slack to avoid API bans

5. Reliability

  • Ensure at-least-once delivery via:
    • Kafka offset management
    • Idempotent writes in dispatchers
  • Implement DLQs (Dead Letter Queues) for failed notifications
  • Add retries with exponential backoff

6. Extensibility

  • Use a plugin model for adding new channels
  • Payload normalization layer before formatting
  • Add hooks for A/B testing or analytics

🧠 Advanced Discussion Prompts (Interviewer Follow-ups)

🎤 1. How would you guarantee in-order delivery for in-app notifications per user?


To guarantee per-user ordering of in-app notifications:

🧱 Option 1: Kafka Partitioning

  • Partition the Kafka topic by user_id.
  • This ensures all events for a single user are processed in order by a single consumer.

🧠 Consumer Strategy:

  • Have multiple consumers for parallelism.
  • But for any given partition (i.e., user), there’s only one active consumer.

✅ For in-app only:

  • Persist in a SQL table with a created_at or sequence_number.
  • When displaying notifications, order by that field.

🚨 Limitations:

  • If a user has multiple streams (e.g. multiple orgs), you might shard by user_id + org_id.

🔁 For other channels (email, Slack):

  • Ordering isn’t guaranteed or needed — they’re fire-and-forget.

🎤 2. How would you support internationalization (i18n) of messages across different channels?


To support i18n across channels:

🔤 Translation Strategy:

  • Store message templates in a template service or DB: jsonCopyEdit{ "en": "You were assigned to ticket {ticket_id}", "es": "Se le asignó el ticket {ticket_id}", ... }
  • Maintain user locale in the user profile (e.g., user.locale = 'es').

🏗️ Templating Engine:

  • Use a centralized templating layer to:
    • Pick the correct message template based on locale
    • Render with proper substitutions (ticket ID, comment text, etc.)
    • Format correctly per channel (email vs in-app vs Slack)

🧪 Testing:

  • Create snapshot tests for localized formats and encoding (e.g., RTL languages, emojis).

🎤 3. How do you avoid notifying the same user multiple times for the same event (e.g., comment spam)?


This is a common deduplication problem.

🧠 Options:

a. Event Deduplication Layer:

  • Use a deduplication key: e.g. event_type + user_id + ticket_id + timestamp.
  • Store dedup keys in Redis with TTL (e.g. 10 min).
  • Skip sending if dedup key already exists.

b. Aggregate Events:

  • Instead of sending individual comment notifications:
    • Buffer comment events for 2–5 minutes.
    • Send a single notification like: “5 new comments on ticket #123”.

c. UI Throttling:

  • If in-app, mark duplicate events as read-only updates (no new toast/pop-up).

🎤 4. What’s your data retention and cleanup policy for notification history?


Retention policies vary by channel and use case.

🧱 For In-App Notifications:

  • Store in a SQL DB (e.g., notifications table).
  • Retention options:
    • Keep last 500 per user (ring buffer)
    • Or retain for 90 days, then archive to cold storage (e.g. S3, Glacier)

🧹 Cleanup Methods:

  • Run a daily background job to:
    • Delete or archive expired rows
    • Reindex large tables if needed

📥 For Email/Slack:

  • No need to store full content long-term
  • Just retain logs/metadata (notification_id, channel, status, timestamp) for auditing

🔐 Compliance:

  • Respect GDPR/CCPA if required — provide delete/export functionality per user.


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